Recovering Mainnet USDT from a mutable V2 Split

Updated 9 days ago

USDT on Mainnet is not an ERC20 token, which means it's not compatible with Splits V2. We shipped Splits V2.1 to address this. If interested, you can read more of the backstory here.

In the situation where you have Mainnet USDT sitting in a mutable V2 Split, the owner of that Split can recover it. Here is how you do that.

  1. Double check your Split is on Mainnet, V2, and mutable. (If your Split is on an L2 or alt-L1, no need to worry! USDT is ERC20 compatible there. If your Split is immutable, unfortunately the USDT cannot be recovered.)
  1. Navigate to etherscan.
  1. Go to the Contract tab and the Write Contract as Proxy subtab.
  2. Connect as the owner.
  3. Submit the following _calls (tuple[]) in executeCalls:[["0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7","0","0x095ea7b30000000000000000000000008fb66f38cf86a3d5e8768f8f1754a24a6c661fb8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"]].

What does this do? It tells the V2 Split to approve SplitsWarehouse to spend Mainnet USDT on its behalf. Then distributions will work as expected.

If you would like help with this process, please don't hesitate to reach out at

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