Reject transactions
You can now reject transactions in your team workspace. If a transaction was created accidentally, or you just no longer wish to execute it, you can click the ellipses menu and select "Reject transaction". This will remove it from your team.

Verify your passkeys
You now have more peace of mind over your opsec by verifying access to any of your passkeys. From your passkey settings, click the ellipses menu and select "Verify access". You'll be prompted to sign with your passkey.

Other fixes & improvements
- Improved the Members section on your team settings, making it easier to modify permissions and invitations
- Improved the onboarding flow for new teams
- Improved the NFT display and transfer flows
- Improved gas estimates on transactions (there's still more work to do here)
- Improved clarity when additional signatures are needed on a transaction
- Added preview images when sharing accounts and transactions with teammates
- You can now see which team member created each transaction
- Small assets are grouped together in the overview section, making it easier to parse
- Your assets are now universally ordered by USD value
- Fixed a bug that caused the token amount input to break with 18 decimals
- Fixed a bug in the token blocklist flow
- Fixed a bug in the WalletConnect flow