How Quantum uses Splits to manage their business operations

mr0chill is the Product and Project Lead at Quantum. Quantum is a team of engineers, developers, inventors, and marketers from all corners of the earth united for the common goal of creating the best technology in the Web3 and NFT industry.
What problem does QuantumTECH use Splits to solve?
We use Splits to trustlessly manage our business operations – specifically our finance and book keeping stack.
How has QuantumTECH integrated Splits?
Splits is seamlessly integrated into our company's Gnosis Safe to automate and distribute our revenue streams. It supplants all traditional fintech products and allows us to run our international business on the blockchain.
How has your experience been so far?
Incredible. Splits saves us innumerable hours, dollars, and frustrations by making one of the most important aspects of our business fully trustless. The entire suite of contracts; Splits, Waterfalls, Liquid Splits, and the Vesting module, are invaluable resources for decentralized builders.