Splits Teams is now in private beta
Financial infrastructure for onchain teams
We offer audited contracts, intuitive interfaces, and reliable developer tools that make it easy for teams to manage onchain payments.

Battle tested and trusted

Our audited, open source, verified contracts have quickly become the go-to choice for teams, developers, and creators.
distributed to over 50,000 people
0% fees
on every transaction
Runs for free,
The contracts are completely free to use and operate without dependencies. Bring your own gas and nothing more.
All chains,
all currencies
The contracts are widely deployed on EVM chains and work seamlessly with ETH and ERC20s.
12+ chains
deployed and verified on
Split team earnings in perpetuity
Recoup expenses before taking profits
Swap into stables on the way in

Simple, stackable building blocks

Create your own custom payout flows by configuring and combining the contracts.

Ship further, faster

Our developer tools give engineers time to focus on what matters most—their product. We’ve taken care of the things you don’t have time to screw up.
Integrate contracts using the SDK
Add to your app using prebuilt components
Give your users more data with the API

Case Studies


Ethereum core devs paid


donations streamed
Products Used