Thursday July 11, 2024
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Swapping within a smart account

You can now swap tokens directly within a smart account. No need to connect your account to a third party app to perform the swap. And no need to pre-approve each token, since ERC20s are natively batched into a single transaction thanks to smart accounts.

Swap tokens without leaving the Splits app

Swapping is one of the most common actions people take with their smart accounts—often because they need to send someone a token they don't currently have—so we're excited to bring this functionality into the app directly. We charge no fees on these swaps.

App performance

Most of our product and engineering focus the past few weeks has gone towards app performance (i.e., page load times) and tech debt. We also optimized a number of internal processes around developer experience, which will result in faster development times for our team moving forward.

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